Welcome Centre

Consulting for employers

Are you an employer in Chemnitz and want to recruit international skilled workers or do you already employ them in your company? Do you need information on how to organize this process successfully?


We are happy to assist regional companies with questions regarding the acquisition and integration of international skilled workers. To this end, we work together with relevant specialist offices and advice centers in Chemnitz to put you in touch with the right contact persons for your concerns. Please feel free to contact us!


At the same time, we support your skilled worker and their family during their arrival, orientation and settling in in Chemnitz with lots of information, tips and important contacts.


Our counselling services

  • Information for immigrants on arriving and living in Chemnitz, e.g. finding accommodation, school places, childcare, leisure activities
  • Contacts to various specialist and advice centers
  • Support with the integration of international skilled workers into the company
  • Support programs for your company
  • Development of a welcoming culture


If you as an employer have already found a suitable skilled worker abroad, the Chemnitz Immigration Information Centre (FIZU) will provide you with individual advice and support on the topic of skilled worker immigration. In addition to information on visas and residence, residence regulations and financing options, you will also receive information on the recognition of professional and academic qualifications, language support and retention in the company.

Chemnitz Immigration Information Centre

The Chemnitz Immigration Information Centre is located in the Welcome Centre of the City of Chemnitz and will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice!

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