Medizinhistorische Sammlung am Klinikum Chemnitz

Medical history collection at Chemnitz Hospital

A passion for the history of medicine: from A for anaesthesia to Z for dentistry - there are more than 4,000 exhibits to discover in the Chemnitz Hospital's medical history collection. These were collected over a period of more than 40 years.

The Medical History Collection presents artefacts from the history of Chemnitz Hospital and its predecessors. Numerous rare and interesting exhibits, including an old operating table, ageing ECG equipment and historical syringes and cannulas, provide an insight into the history of the hospital and medicine. There is an operating theatre with anaesthetic and respiratory equipment to see and medical technology to marvel at and understand. The development of selected medical procedures is documented using equipment, images and text material.

Some of these exhibits can be viewed in the exhibition rooms at Bürgerstraße 2/Küchwald in the former bathhouse (now House 4).

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