Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Burg Rabenstein

Rabenstein Castle

Rabenstein Castle

The smallest castle in Saxony

Rabenstein Castle is part of the Schloßbergmuseum. It was built in the second half of the 12th century. The popular nickname "smallest castle in Saxony" is somewhat misleading, as the buildings that still exist today are only the core substance of what was once a larger complex.

Traces of the castle's eventful history from the centuries since the Middle Ages can be discovered in the castle and its surroundings: the small knights' hall on the upper floor of the palace bears witness to the remodelling of the complex in the first half of the 17th century, the early Baroque period. The Rabenstein Castle (now a hotel) located above the castle is a remarkable example of rococo architecture. From 1774, the castle changed hands again and was finally remodelled as a romantic park in the English style.

The Medieval Festival, which takes place every year on the Easter weekend at Rabenstein Castle, has become a special tradition.

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