Studienräume der Marianne Brandt-Gesellschaft

Study rooms of the Marianne Brandt Society

Marianne Liebe was born in Chemnitz on 1 October 1893. After marrying the Norwegian painter Erik Brandt in 1919, she took his surname. Marianne Brandt died on 18 June 1983. In Marianne Brandt's former parents' house at Heinrich Beck-Straße 22 in Chemnitz, the association, founded in 1999, maintains two study rooms with a library and design objects from her Bauhaus period and paintings and sculptures from her artistic work from the 1940s to the 1970s. The aim of the association is to collect and preserve the intellectual heritage and artistic work of the designer Marianne Brandt in the Bauhaus environment and to relate it to today's social developments and trends in creative design.

Highlights 2024

Since August 2023, visitors to the study rooms have also had access to an interactive information system that provides information about the artist's life and work and is constantly being updated.

More information

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