Neue Sächsische Galerie

New Saxonian Gallery

The Neue Sächsische Galerie is the museum for contemporary art in Chemnitz. Its presentations focus on the development of art in the state of Saxony since 1945, while the six to eight exhibitions held each year also recognise positions beyond the region.

The museum's own collection of almost 12,000 works forms the decisive foundation for historically orientated research. Works of classical and media art genres as well as extensive holdings of applied art, design and industrial design are part of the collection, are publicly accessible via the constantly growing work database and can be borrowed in part via the Artothek. The art library invites you to do your own research.

The Print Biennial 100 Saxon Prints is regarded as a survey of current developments in printmaking in Saxony. In addition, there are projects that reflect the legacy of GDR history, thematic group exhibitions and monographic presentations of current trends in art. All exhibitions are accompanied by a programme of guided tours, lectures, artist talks and art education activities for all age groups.

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